• Monday, 06 May 2024

#GirlCrush? Lohan discovers Haifa Wehbe

#GirlCrush? Lohan discovers Haifa Wehbe
They may be on opposite sides of the world, but two feisty red-head superstars have publicly “connected.”

Hollywood's Lindsay Lohan voiced her love on Twitter for Lebanese songstress Haifa Wehbe, saying she had just discovered the Arab bombshell.

“Just discovered @HaifaWehbe love her music… can’t wait to meet her one day! xo” Lohan posted on her official Twitter earlier this week.

To that, Wahbe replied:

“That’s very sweet of you Lindsay. Happy to hear from you & of course would love to meet you soon one day.”

Lohan’s tweet was retweeted more than 600 times, with Arab fans suggesting that she try listening to other popular Lebanese singers also, such as Nancy Ajram and Elissa. The Twitter conversation was hashtagged as a blossoming #GirlCrush by tweeps.
In the news

Both Lohan and Wehbe have recently been in the news amid racy controversies.

Last week Lohan admitted that a list first published last month naming her sexual conquests was true, U.S.-based media site Examiner reported.

The list, parts of which have been obtained and published by U.S.-based gossip site In Touch, named several of Lohan’s lovers, including fellow Hollywood stars Justin Timberlake, Colin Farell, Ashton Kutcher, James Franco, Orlando Bloom, and the late Heath Ledger.

Meanwhile, Wehbe – who is also an actress – was in the international press this month after a sexually explicit film she starred in was suspended from Egyptian cinemas.

Wehbe’s sexually explicit moves and scenes in “Halawet Rooh” [Beauty of the Soul] have triggered outrage since its release.

Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab ordered the movie to be suspended until the censorship board reviews it again.

Al Arabiya