• Sunday, 02 June 2024

Iran's Supreme Leader Says West Unable to Prevent Nuclear Weapons Pursuit

Gulan Media June 11, 2023 News
Iran's Supreme Leader Says West Unable to Prevent Nuclear Weapons Pursuit

Amid escalating tensions surrounding Iran's advanced nuclear program, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated on Sunday that the West would be unable to halt Iran's development of nuclear weapons if it chose to pursue such a path.

Khamenei emphasized that discussions regarding Tehran's nuclear weapons were false, and Iran had no intention of acquiring nuclear arms due to religious beliefs.

Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, addressed the issue of Iran's nuclear program, asserting that the West would be powerless to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons if the country decided to do so. According to state media, Khamenei dismissed claims about Tehran's pursuit of nuclear weapons as lies, affirming that Iran's religious beliefs prohibited the acquisition of such arms.

Khamenei's comments come as tensions surrounding Iran's advanced nuclear work continue to rise. The international community, particularly Western nations, has expressed concerns about Iran's nuclear activities, citing potential threats to regional and global security. Negotiations and diplomatic efforts have been underway to address these concerns and ensure the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program.

As the situation unfolds, discussions and negotiations between Iran and the international community will likely intensify in order to find a resolution that addresses the concerns of all parties involved. The ultimate goal is to reach a mutually agreeable solution that ensures transparency, safeguards against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and promotes regional stability.
