• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Kurdistan Democratic Party Expresses Concern Over Federal Court Rulings

Gulan Media February 23, 2024 News
Kurdistan Democratic Party Expresses Concern Over Federal Court Rulings

The Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) convened today under the leadership of President Masoud Barzani to address recent developments in Iraq and the broader region, particularly concerning the Federal Court's rulings issued on Wednesday.

The decisions made by the Federal Court have ignited concerns within the KDP, as they are perceived as contradictory to constitutional principles, the Kurdistan Region's constitutional rights, federalism principles, and the principle of separation of powers outlined in the Iraqi constitution.

In response, the Political Bureau of the KDP has underscored several crucial points. Firstly, it emphasizes the defense of the rights of all components and advocates for their participation in constitutional institutions. Additionally, the KDP expresses its unwavering support for the Kurdistan Regional Government in its ongoing negotiations with the Federal Government regarding the Region's financial entitlements, all within the framework of the constitution.

Of particular concern is the decision regarding Electoral Law No. 1 of 1992 and the amendment of certain provisions, which the KDP believes runs counter to constitutional principles and the essence of the separation of powers.

The Iraqi Federal Supreme Court's ruling on Wednesday mandated the division of the Kurdistan Region into four electoral constituencies and a reduction of the Region's parliament seats from 111 to 100. This move has elicited apprehension from various political parties and human rights organizations, including ethnic minorities such as the Turkmen, who fear a loss of parliamentary representation, notably the quota seat.

The KDP's stance highlights the growing tensions and complexities within Iraqi politics, particularly concerning the delicate balance between federal and regional powers. As negotiations and discussions continue, stakeholders are closely monitoring the evolving situation for its potential ramifications on the Kurdistan Region and Iraq as a whole.
