• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Prime Minister Barzani Meets with Iraqi President Rashid to Discuss Federal System and Constitutional Rights

Prime Minister Barzani Meets with Iraqi President Rashid to Discuss Federal System and Constitutional Rights

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani hosted Iraqi President Latif Rashid on Sunday to delve into the latest developments impacting the Region and Iraq as a whole.

In an official statement shared on his Facebook page, Prime Minister Barzani underscored the significance of upholding Iraq's federal framework and the constitutional integrity of the Kurdistan Region. Both leaders concurred on the need for resolving disputes between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal administration in accordance with constitutional provisions and established agreements.

The statement further emphasized President Rashid's pivotal role as the custodian of the constitution, tasked with safeguarding and ensuring the constitutional entitlements of the Kurdistan Region.

Earlier that day, Prime Minister Barzani and President Rashid participated in the International Symposium themed "Drought and the Impact of Climate Change on the Political, Economic, and Demographic Situation of Iraq." The event drew the presence of numerous foreign diplomats.

The meeting between Prime Minister Barzani and President Rashid signals a commitment to addressing key governance issues through constitutional means, highlighting a concerted effort to navigate challenges and preserve the region's constitutional rights within the federal framework of Iraq.
