• Saturday, 27 July 2024

KRG Ministry of Education Participates in World Education Forum

KRG Ministry of Education Participates in World Education Forum

A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ministry of Education participated in the World Education Forum on Wednesday, according to a statement from the Ministry.

The World Education Forum, a significant global event, brings together 140 ministers of education and higher education, along with global educators, international educational organizations, and companies. This year's forum is focused on exploring the future of education, sharing best practices, identifying gaps in the education sector, and creating innovative solutions. A central theme of the event is the importance of ensuring quality education for all.

The KRG Ministry of Education, which oversees the provision of education services in the Kurdistan Region, is responsible for supplying textbooks, teaching materials, and school infrastructure. Additionally, the Ministry is dedicated to teacher training and professional development programs to enhance the quality of education.

The Ministry’s participation in the forum underscores its commitment to integrating global educational standards and practices within the Kurdistan Region. The delegation aims to bring back valuable insights and strategies to improve the educational framework and outcomes for students in the region.

The World Education Forum continues to be a pivotal platform for educational leaders and stakeholders to collaborate and drive forward the agenda of quality education worldwide.
