• Sunday, 19 May 2024

Kurdistan Region Government Extends Lifeline to Cancer Patients with Free Medical Care

Gulan Media September 1, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Government Extends Lifeline to Cancer Patients with Free Medical Care

Erbil, Kurdistan Region - In a groundbreaking initiative, the Kurdistan Region government has stepped up its support for individuals battling cancer by providing comprehensive medical assistance and treatment, all free of charge. This extraordinary effort underscores the region's commitment to alleviating the burdens faced by those afflicted with chronic illnesses.

Amidst ongoing challenges in the healthcare sector, institutions and healthcare centers in the Kurdistan Region have ramped up efforts to offer cancer screenings using state-of-the-art PET-CT scanners and provide essential medical treatments at no cost to patients diagnosed with cancer.

Official government reports reveal that within the first six months of this year alone, a staggering 910 PET-CT scans were conducted for cancer patients, amounting to an expenditure of 637 million dinars, approximately 750 dollars per patient. Additionally, during this period, 69 patients were sent to the United States for Oncotype testing, incurring a cost of 251 million dinars.

In a poignant testimonial, Meivan, the father of a 9-year-old cancer patient, expressed his gratitude, saying, "My son's battle with cancer presented us with formidable financial challenges. Without the invaluable support from the regional government and access to free treatment, affording his medical care would have been impossible. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Kurdistan Regional Government for this lifeline."

The Cancer Treatment Fund, a vital component of the healthcare infrastructure, remains pivotal in the ongoing efforts to provide assistance to cancer patients. During the first half of the current year, over 2 billion dinars were allocated for brain transplants, benefiting 47 patients treated outside the region. Further financial resources amounting to 408 million dinars were allocated for surgeries within the region, with an additional 468 million dinars earmarked for procedures conducted outside the region.

Dr. Herdi Jawad, Director of Nanakali Hospital, emphasized the regional government's commitment to patient care, stating, "The Kurdistan Regional Government is dedicated to aiding and treating cancer patients through the Cancer Treatment Fund. Should a required surgical procedure not be available in public hospitals for any reason, patients can access the necessary care in private hospitals within the region. When circumstances necessitate, patients are referred outside the region through the specialized medical committees. Furthermore, the Regional Council of Ministers has allocated an annual budget of approximately 7 billion dinars to procure costly medications, which fall outside the Cancer Treatment Fund's budget, specifically for the benefit of cancer patients."

This resolute and ongoing commitment to providing critical medical care and financial support highlights the Kurdistan Region's unwavering determination to improve the quality of life for its citizens battling cancer. Stay tuned for more updates as the region continues its relentless pursuit of healthcare excellence.
